Crafting with Jane Austen, July 23rd at Noon EDT
Ready to get crafty? We're delighted to welcome historian and needlepoint enthusiast Jennie Batchelor to our next "Staying Home with Jane...
Crafting with Jane Austen, July 23rd at Noon EDT
Jane Austen Inspired Recipes from Eating with Jane Austen
Dressing with Jane Austen, July 9th at 5pm EDT
Eating with Jane Austen, June 30th at 5 PM EST
Jane Austen & Company Presents Food, Family, and Identity with Sonali Dev and Soniah Kamal, June 4th
Jane Austen & Company Reads Mary Wollstonecraft
Jane Austen & Company Reads Sanditon
Jane Austen & Co Reads Belinda
Games and Play in Austen's England